You are the creator

You are the creator

Let's imagine for a few moments what our life would be like if we could access let's say 20% of our brain's capacity If you want to have something shows up in your life. The kind of person you would like to become manifest something new into your life something powerful, whatever it might be you obviously must first be able to imagine it.
Your imagination can do all that you ask in proportion to the degree of your attention.

So what kind of attention do you place on your desires?
Einstein's most famous quote one of his most famous observations. He said imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited Imagination encircles the world
logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere.
Make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of
the wish fulfilled. That which you feel yourself to be you are and
you are given that which you are. So assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your wish and
your wish must be realized so live in the feeling of being the to be and that you shall be if this assumption about what you would like to become is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is Absolutely inevitable.

You must first assume the feeling of a wish fulfilled in all aspects of your life, don't allow anybody else opinions. Don't allow what it says on the internet. Don't allow the research. Don't allow what anybody out there tells you is possible or not possible for you if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life, which you have imagined you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours it will chase after you if you can place into your Imagination. What it is that you would like to attract and begin to feel it.

Start retraining your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind
it responds to what it is that you suggest to it The subconscious mind moves your life 96 to 97 percent of everything that you do is done as a result of your subconscious mind. And when your subconscious mind gets programmed it goes ahead and responds to whatever it is. Your conscious mind has placed into it You are the creator this is the mystery.

This is the great secret known by the seers and prophets and mystics throughout the ages. This is the truth that you can never know
intellectually. Many of you as I have been as I am are where you are in. your life Based upon what you believe and it's not just what you think. You believe on the surface It's also your shadow beliefs that are holding you back from moving into the life, that you believe You deserve.

What I know is if you're not looking at the shadows if you're not looking at what is subconsciously running through the tape in your mind telling yourself. You're not good enough. You're not worthy enough. You're not smart enough. You're not enough. Which is a tape that's playing for a lot of people, if you're not conscious of that then you end up acting out of the belief system, and not out of what you know to be the truest,
 Or want to be the choice for yourself.

You are where you are today in part because of what you've been saying about yourself. Words are like seeds when you speak something out. You give life to what you're saying if you continue to say it eventually. That can become a reality you are planting seeds when you talk at some point, you're going to eat that fruit. My challenge is making sure You're planning the right kind of seeds if you want apples, you have to sow apple seeds. If you want oranges, you can't plant cactus seeds poison ivy seeds, mushroom seeds. You're going to reap fruit from the exact seeds that you've been sowing in other words.

You can't talk negative and expect to live a positive life. You can't talk defeat and expect to have victory. You can't talk lack you're not enough, can't afford it. Never get ahead and expect to have abundance if you have a poor mouth. You're going to have a poor life. And this is great when we're saying things like I'm blessed, I'm strong, I will accomplish my dreams, I'm coming out of there.

That's not just being positive. You are prophesying victory Prophesy and success prophesy new levels. And your life will move in the direction of your words. But too many people go around prophesy on just the opposite. I never get any good brights. I'll never get back in shape. Business is slow. I'll probably get laid off, Flu season is here. I always get it. They don't realize they prophesy and defeat It's just like they're calling in bad breaks mediocrity lack.

You don't become what you want because so much of wanting is about
living in the space of what you don't have. That's why Jim Carrey's story is so powerful Because he started to act as though, he already had it. He would go up to Mulholland Drive. He would drive away sing thinking. I already have those things I just haven't accessed them as yet I believe.
Those things are going to come to me and I'm going to act like they are
so. I'm gonna move forward in my life in order to Draw that to myself in such a way that my actions are in alignment with what I say, I believe.

So if you start to think about that really why are you where you are in your life the choices that you have made?
Have been because of what you believe to be true for yourself.
The time is now to express and for people to believe in themselves. The time is now for it to be okay to be great people in this world, shun people for being great for being a bright color for standing out. But the time is now to be okay to be the greatest you. You can talk yourself out of your destiny.

Negative words can keep you from becoming who you were created to be. Don't fall into that trap quit, calling in defeat quit, talking about how it's not going to happen. You should wipe down your write down, what you want to see happen in life. Any areas that you're struggling in where you need to improve write it down like it's already done and then every day declare that decree weed over it a couple of times out loud. It's not enough to just think it something happens when we speak.

Do you have to puff aside your future?
Those words will get down on the inside of you. They'll not only change your outlook, but they will change who you are your words will become your reality.

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