Can we change our world to a batter place ?

This is the human brain!

We all have one, of course, and we assume it generates consciousness. How exactly it does is a mystery in modern science.

It is important to understand that the brain shapes reality based on the experience of being. The environments in which the being is located as well as the information that has been collected throughout life will fundamentally shape their perception of reality. This is because the brain from birth is programmed based on the presented society. Household environment as well as society. That one happens to be born will shape the mind. This is how cultures and societies are created and maintained.

Language behavior and belief systems are maintained by transmitting information to the children. The brain consists of over 86 billion brain cells called neurons. These neurons are responsible for everything when it comes to thought, feeling and movement. But alone they are practically useless. They need to connect with other neurons in order for the brain to function and how they do it is sensational. Each neuron branches and can connect to over 50,000 different neurons, although they do not actually touch each other. Small spaces between the branches called the synapse where the electrochemical signals are transmitted between one neuron and the other. 86 billion neurons, each with 50,000 connections, all communicate and all work in harmony.

With this powerful brain, we have survived the ancient times. The tough elements and catastrophic events, which changed the earth we have developed sophisticated cultures, sciences, and technology.
We have so much potential to be more than we have become. Youth, the future of our species is completely lost in apathy, completely referred to ignorance. The society presented to humanity is designed to produce obedient workers who lack the critical thinking requirements needed to bring together the truth of the nature of reality.

Who lacked the will to care?

And they continue to have their own children when they have not matured, mentally or spiritually.
By doing so, the corrupt control system is maintained in place, designed to maximize the profits of the ruling elite. The ignorant people of Tauren don't care about things that really matter. And they certainly do not care about the crimes committed by their own governments. Despite our potential to be a peaceful harmonious species.

We have come to a point where we as people have passively allowed multinational billionaires to destroy the earth. The rainforest in the Amazon, the globe's lungs are cut down and replaced with farms that destroy the earth's biodiversity, with pesticides and chemicals. Making them unsustainable after a decade the cities get bigger and bigger. It requires more land to be cleared for the expansion of our backward communities. Roads and highways, divide the land apart and destroy the migration of countless animals. And very few people care. Our advanced mobile phones and computers are made in factories where conditions and wages are no better than paid slavery. Many commit suicide on such a regular basis that the owners installed yarn to prevent them from jumping to death. The truth about how we get the resources used to make mobile phones and computers is well documented now. The ignorance combined with our greed creates the conditions that keep the family alive in poverty.
Yes, people are here today, protesting in front of the apple store because there is a connection between the success of Apple and the genocide in the crumble. We, canonical men, have managed to create the world's first truly global empire, and it's basically a secret empire. We do this in many ways, but, mainly, we identify a country that has resources that our companies crave for oil. Scope a large loan to that country from the World Bank or one of the sisters. In fact, the money never goes to the country. It goes to our own companies to build infrastructure projects in the country that helps a few very wealthy people. But most people who are too poor to buy electricity will not benefit. Or have cars to drive on the highways, and yet they have a huge debt that they cannot repay.

 So we go back at some point and say, you know, you can't pay your debts. Give us half a kilo of meat and sell your oil real cheap to our oil companies. But with us on the next critical UN cure, let's build a military base in your garden.

Something along those lines and when we fail, the jackals go in and either crash or kill these leaders. And if the jackals fail as they did in Iraq, we will send in the military. I don't think the failure is capitalism. I think there is a specific type of capitalism, where we have developed we have created what I consider a mutant viral form of capitalism and this mutant form of capitalism. I think is a predatory capitalism has created a very unstable, unsustainable, unfair and very dangerous world.
I have met many terrorists who interview them for books. I've never met anyone who wanted to be a terrorist. They are desperate people. If we want to get rid of terrorism, we must get rid of the causes. That cancer that destroys our entire system, because I think it's very important that we understand it today.

We cannot have Homeland Security unless we understand that the entire planet is our homeland. When we take the time to research how our North American society was formed, we can see that things are very wrong. This is a nation founded on genocide and built on the back of slaves. We tried to see to eliminate an entire race and that we used another race to build this country. In fact, quite quickly as a new country, into a world power. This country would never have had the wealth it had.

Had it not had slavery for a few hundred years?

Despite what has happened to our species and what we have done?

We still have innocence in our grain. We are still natural beings of light, not beings of darkness. We must enlighten ourselves so that we can change ourselves.

This is a photograph of the earth, everyone knows is in this picture. We are all a part of the whole, there is no planet to be, this is all we have. We would not have been here to experience life if it were not for this planet as a mother. Which gives life to their child. The earth shares just as much air, food, and water. By using the sun's energy, you create the living conditions. The planet itself does not create life alone. However, it has done through many different processes. Individual biological and environmental processes that work synchronously with each other to make life possible.
The sun is a majestic being in itself that provides fuel for life on earth, combined with the life-giving properties of water. The sun makes it possible to make small microscopic cells. Algae breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, the essential air that we breathe. Every breath we take should be taken with gratitude to these tiny microbes, without them we would not have existed here.
Billions of years ago after a super-massive star reached its end. There was a supernova that released all the essential ingredients for life. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, enough massive clouds of star, dust, and gas, condense together to create our star sun. The mass of the sun was heavy enough to absorb several clouds of rock, gas and stardust. They molded together and became the planets in our solar system over billions of years.

The earth at this time was the world of an explosive shell. Volcanoes erupted everywhere, creating oceans of molten lava, which stretched across the planet, as gloomy and hell, as the backdrop. This is the essential process by which the planet forms the Earth's crust, land, and sea. The gases coming from the volcanoes contained carbon dioxide, methane with hydrogen and oxygen, as well as enough particles escaping from the volcanic eruptions. Gravity kept the particles from escaping into space. An atmosphere began to form. The lava lakes cooled to a hard crust and excess steam condensed into clouds. Clouds that then formed into storms. Condenses into a rain.

It is my theory that the large quantities of water found on earth were formed by a self-sufficient process. The earth at that time was one gigantic sea. The volcanoes did not stop her power because of the movement of tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are the huge pieces of earth that make up the earth's crust. If we put all the landmasses together. They would fit like a perfect puzzle, but only if the earth was smaller. It is almost as if the earth grew hundreds of millions of years later. The algae slowly developed into tiny plants that lived on land. Like the moss who lives on rocks. Eventually, larger plants develop.

But it was not the only organism that dominated the country. Mushrooms had already been in power for a hundred and twenty million years before algae. It thrives on eating the dead substance from other microorganisms. Mushrooms spread in the deserted, empty, rocky landscape of the earth. And began to grow into root systems that extend beyond the soil's soil mass root systems, called mycelium. Mycelium was then sporulated to prototype cities in ancient species of giant fungi. The earth was once covered by a majestic plain of giant mushrooms. The fungus would grow and die decompose it over and over, providing the essential ingredients for soil formation. Soils that were then suitable for the descendants of algae to thrive within and evolve. They would then become plants. The vast biodiversity of cells in the world's oceans evolved over this time into the many organism species we see today.

And fibia screams slowly came to live in the countryside that evolved into prehistoric dinosaurs. Dinosaurs would then continue to rule the earth, and what were once small cells. Algae evolved into the mighty trees that were higher than now three we see today. The roots of every tree and plant were and still are now associated with mycelia. Mycelium adds all the landscape that holds soil together so extremely tough that holds up to 30,000 times the mass.

We have now discovered that there is a multi-directional transfer of nutrients between plants that are defused by the mycelium. So the mycelium is the mother that provides nutrients from age and birch trees to hemlock cedar and Douglas firs. These are microphotographs from Nick Reed and Patrick Hickey and notice that as the mycelium grows in conquered territory, and so it begins the web.
I have been a scanning electron microscope for many years. A thousand electron micrographs and I stared at the mycelium. I realized that it is microfiltration membranes that we exhale carbon dioxide. Then mycelium inhales oxygen just as we do. But these are really externalized stomachs and lungs. And I present the concept that these are enlarged neurological membranes.

There are alternative avenues for channeling nutrients and information, the mycelium is sentient, it knows that you are there when you cross landscapes. It jumps up in the wake of your footsteps and tries to grab the debris. What we think we know is that there is a kind of electrochemical communication between the roots like the synapses between neurons and every tree. 10 to fourth connections to the trees around it, and that's 10 to 12 trees on the pandora. Something that guesses a lot There are several connections in the human brain.
It took 3.5 billion years for the Earth to grow from a blazing uninhabitable world into a lush biosphere. Coexisting on the surface, billions of different life forms and using all the elements. Everything is balanced a symbiosis. A self-sufficient superorganism and that is where we come in.
This is what I think of people and these words get really weird. I think humans are just a very complicated form of bacteria. I think if you looked at the earth as a living organism and who's to say it's not some kind of superorganism. It is certainly a host of life and we are considered a living organism.
But are we really the hosts of life?
There are more environmentally friendly substances in our gut than there was ever intended people, there are bacteria that are around you all the time. And your body is fighting the bacteria until your body gets old and dies. And then it no longer fights. And that bacteria just eat your body, that's what it does. Well if you looked at the earth as this living organism and as if you were flying to LA and you were passing over these beautiful mountains and seeing the ocean in front of it. Looks all-natural and beautiful, but then you look LA.
What the hell is that?
It's a growth, it's cancer, it's big and it's brown and it stinks and smokes that come out of it. And it gets bigger every year. And no matter what you do, it continues. You can knock it down with a damn hurricane, it builds up again. Light it on fire and then build up again. And I think if you were an intelligent life form another planet and you looked at the earth, you wouldn't have seen individuals, you wouldn't see housekeepers and limo drivers and stand-up comedians. Would you not see that it is moldy on a sandwich.

I think if you look at us objectively and the way we have gone and the way we always have been. It doesn't matter how much access to information we have. It doesn't matter how much technological innovation we have. We will always destroy the earth because I believe in some way, that is what we should do. I think that's our purpose here on earth. I think we're here to fuck. I think we're here to eat the sandwich. We should not be a virus. However, we have been manipulated to be a virus. We come from the earth and should, therefore, coexist with all life on earth and with the environment itself.
But we disconnected from the connection to the planets and the abolished connection to spirit. Many of us mock the idea of ​​a spirit or soul. We live in a technological world where such nations are regarded as laid-back and primitive. Urban design, as well as social paradigms, form, the perception of the mind city designer, Presented to humanity. The grid-like plotting a building that houses rolled small and future, I set up for decoration along the roads, is designed to create an illusion of separation between us and the earth. There is no environment out there, and we are here, and in a way, we have to look at how we interact with it.

We are the environment, we are conditioned from birth in such a way that we see the earth as something more than land and resources as a stone for us to live in. Many people believe that the earth was created for us and that humans are meant to dominate all other life forms. These are cancer ideologies that will lead to self-destruction of our species. Many of us can name these labels.
How many of us can name these trees?

This is just an example to show where our focus is, and our focus is to maximize profits to make money. We were so hard for money, money buying us food, water, a car, and a home. We have been told since childhood that without money you cannot have a good life or a family. And this is true only because we have allowed the idea of ​​this reality to be the truth.

In other words, the social paradigm in which we exist is not the definitive model of existing on this planet. This world we have created, this economy, this civilization, our illusory constructions that we agreed to be the plan for our reality. Whole money-structured and materialist-oriented society is a false society. Ten or fifteen years from now, our society will go down in history as the lowest development and man we have. Brains knowledge technology and the opportunity to build a whole new civilization. Money exists only in the minds of people. All life on earth including the earth itself has no regard for money. And can survive like they always have without money. Except the people who are currently exposed to the idea of ​​money. People keep the idea of ​​money alive in our brains. It was sent from our parents and generations before. So that we can pass them on to our children and generations after.

A cycle. a mental prison, which has changed the course of humanity. Money has changed the way your brain thinks about reality what is important and what is not.
What will your priorities be?

Of course, to be alive and civilization you need money. You must be a worker when you grow up. But before that, your parents installed you in an institutionalized school system, with the intention of educating their child. Unfortunately, in reality, kids are simply conditioned to work cogs off the machine, and they become consumers. Pursue careers, obtain housing, start family and repeat the process.

All while maintaining the distorted communities that continue to war with each other and destroy the biosphere. I cited the Trilateral Commission's view of the education system, namely that it is a system of indoctrination of young people, and I believe that is correct. it is a system of indoctrination of the young, that is how the liberal elites looked and they are more or less accurate.
So the education system is meant to train people to be obedient conformist, not think too much, told the witch to stay passive, not cause any crisis in a democracy. Don't ask questions, and all this is a technique of choosing obedience.

Humans have also created different religions that succeeded in sharing the human race. What has happened or is the time is that these religions were created for a pure and noble purpose. Has been manipulated by powerful and prosperous groups of people. They institutionalized these religious belief systems. And the result was the division of war and genocide. So much hatred from each other, but we don't see that we are a family. Mankind has been manipulated by belief systems that only exist in the mind. We should live as one, it is a way for us to change our ways and it is within ourselves.
It all starts in the brain. There is a gland in the direct center of our brain called the pineal gland. This gland secretes a neurotransmitter in our neurological pathways called DMT, dimethyl-tryptamine. It is released during birth, during death, during meditation, hunger and every night when we are in deep sleep.

DMT is considered by some scientists neurologists and psychiatrists to be the spirit molecule. It is found everywhere in nature. it is in plants, animals, insects, etc. It is within everything that has a consciousness. People were made to think that we were the only ones who could think and feel. But this is actually a universal trait that all life shares. Nature communicates with the help of biochemicals, which makes sense given that these chemicals are mainly messages, created by cells so that they can communicate with each other.

This means that nature has intelligence that should not be difficult to understand. Considering that we are extensions of nature and that we are intelligence. Essentially, we are the universe, experiencing and understanding ourselves. The existence of DNA should ring a bell in this regard. DNA is the essential building blocks of life, and it confuses scientists to this day. It is responsible for all forms and variations of life. It carries down the genetic code to create the functions of the organism, and it is accumulated in every single cell in the human body. It is common wisdom in mainstream science that 97% of our DNA is junk DNA. And that 3% of DNA is responsible for our physical appearance and anatomy.

This is a strange thing for scientists to say. We must understand that everything that nature produces is there for a reason and a purpose. The other 97% of the DNA that we consider to be garbage is whatever, but we are observing the DNA with the wrong methods. It is a hidden language within the 97% of so-called junk DNA.
According to linguistics, all human languages ​​follow a pattern called a Zipz law. This law shows that there is a relative rate in the ranking of words jerk in all languages. That everyone sticks to this pattern. It is precisely this pattern that exists within the coding of our junk DNA.
What does this mean?
Cut this though accidents are cut DNA is constructed, designed with words from peace Hoyle. The chances of DNA forming in a molecular soup by accident would be as low as a tornado passing through a scrapyard. And forms a fully functional jumbo jet. It may be that the other 97% of our DNA contains information that we are not aware of and that has long since forgotten. Who are we, what happened to us?
Over the past 30 years, new evidence has emerged that supports a different view of the origins of civilization. Rena Adolphus Shuara's daily weeks were one of the first Westerners to bring the evidence and its implications. He is the one who popularized the use of sacred geometry in Egyptology, during his study of art and architecture. From the Temple of Luxor in Egypt John Anthony West and an independent Egyptologist what brings works for the public attention work that has been heading indirect direction.

Confronted with the existing view of history, Graham Hancock would then do further research on the implications of those like Swaller and West. Further observations were made by building engineer Robert Bauval. Who decided that the pyramids, as well as the sphinx, were designed to create astronomical correlations with specific star systems. And constellations, in this case, the constellation of Orion and the constellation of Leo. Both are targeted by the Sphinx and the Pyramids of exactly 10 500 BC.

They decided that those who built these structures had sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and the equals' precision. A phenomenon caused by a slow winding of the earth on its axis where a complete rotation takes 25,920 years. The ancient people coded this knowledge within the properties of the pyramids' architecture. A time capsule waiting for our time, when in advanced civilization like our own would decode the messages that are encrypted within.

People like Randall Carlson take it a step further by showing that the large pyramid dimensions reveal their exact location on earth. And this is not the only megalithic site showing these curious facts. Megaliths around the world or designed an association with the peers' entry perspective as well as associations to their position on earth.

No civilization in recorded history had this kind of geodesic knowledge before our civilization. It is suggested that there was once a civilization capable of doing so, not recorded in our history. And our recorded history spans about 6,000 years before it faded to obscurity from there. We can only work with the remains found in the ground and make anthropological assumptions based on methods such as radiocarbon dating.

So with that in mind, let's take a look at the Sphinx. The sphinx is covered in renovations that hide its true original limestone, which was severely eroded. However, the walls of the quarry around Sphinx have not been renovated by the conquerors. These walls reveal the true weathering features that would have been the site of Sphinx's original body. These weathering features were not originally caused by sand or wind. According to Robert Schoch's words, they were caused by the weathering of water by heavy rainfall, which poured down the limestone and which chopped it over thousands of years.

This can only mean that the quarry, as well as the sphinx itself, were exposed to a climate sufficient to create heavy rainfall for thousands of years. A type of climate that had not existed in Egypt until the end of the last ice age. To suggest that the sphinx is at least 10,500 years old, this geological evidence contradicts the established present Egypt, a logical paradigm that adheres to the notion that the sphinx is only 4,500 years old. And it fits nicely within the accepted chronology of history.
A story we tell ourselves over and over until we forget it. It's a lie. The recently discovered Gunung Padang in Indonesia and the megalithic site of gobekli tepe are both before history. In particular, Gobekli tepe shows knowledge about the process of equality. The strange thing about this megalithic site is that it was deliberately buried. Archaeologists Cloud Schmitt confirmed this.
But why was it buried? Was the knowledge hidden?

Preserved so that we can decode the message later, for people who systematically eradicate evidence of this information and who built it, hid it for that executor, 'he is.

The iconography found on gobekli tepe is found all over the world in megalithic places. An important feature would be the placement of the arms of these megalithic stones. Fingers pinch each other over the stomach. This precise design can be found on Easter Island at Moy Megaliths, as well as the statutes found in South America.

Some of the statues of Easter Island have been found to be over 72 feet tall and are buried by natural sedimentation. Sedimentation that took thousands of years to form, suggesting the truth of the statue's age. Oddly enough, almost all beautiful heads are placed along the edge of the island to signal out to anyone sailing past it.

Here are people stuck in nowhere. Survivors settled on land after a massive accident. Myths and stories around the world from virtually all cultures speak of a great flood. Each in its own different interpretation. When reading the flood myths it is important to note that these are people who describe natural phenomena based on their interpretation of reality.

For example, God's wrath is simply a natural disaster. A fire hose in the sky will describe a comet, it is important to understand this because each culture records the same natural disaster, which is only now being understood.
The younger Dryas influence event and the assertion of people, like Graham Hancock. Is that the younger Dryas impact event didn't just put an end to the recent ice age. But it also wiped out advanced civilization, in a series of catastrophic floods. Due to a sudden rise in the meltwater in the seas, which lifted the water by 400 feet completely.

Underwater in many areas of the world, the survivors dispersed and forced them to relocate and begin again, those who took shelter. Preserving the technology and knowledge of lost civilization would introduce itself to the now scattered and primitive tribes of the world.

This, in a nutshell, makes sense of the similarities that exist between each savior in these cultures, depicted by bearded men who passed on knowledge to the people, agricultural astronomy and medicine.

Two examples of these figures will be Quetzalcoatl and ancient Mesoamerica and Osiris in ancient Egypt. The recorded history of our paradigm is not the total history of mankind. Nor is the recorded history of civilization as a whole, in reality. All the events in recorded history that happen after the end of the last Ice Age are actually events that take place in a post-apocalyptic world. This was forced to renew the restart of human civilization.

And thus the restart of history that explains why civilizations in recorded history sprout, around the same time, around the world. The evidence is everywhere and can be found through several disciplines of science. It's just waiting to be discovered by you.
Part of the awakening that must happen is to remember who we were before the fall of humanity. Before the real point of human achievement was brought to a disastrous end. Who we were then and who we are now.

Our opposite ends of human societal paradigms. Only a society truly intimate with nature would go far to encode the properties of the earth's movements, within their architecture.
Disciplines from ancient science as sacred geometry further demonstrated the intimate association between humanity and the universe. A philosophy related to the mysterious intelligent nature of reality.

They designed their civilization to maximize the experience of being alive in a human body. The resonance chamber is the interior of the great pyramids. It seemed to imply that it was also used as an acoustic device, a musical instrument, which amplifies the sound of meditation. They honored the universe as sacred and thus respected life as sacred.
This is what we must come back to as a species, now more than ever. The process of awakening to the real nature of reality requires a change in the way we live on this planet. The key to changing the world for the better is to replace the existing living model with a new living model. A model of living that is a reflection of what existed before the fall of mankind.
Jacque fresco provides a possible solution, which coincides with what I am talking about. A civilization that recognizes the earth as the common legacy of all mankind. This civilization is the main focus will spread knowledge and education to bring everyone together. We must all be informed of the actual evidence that represents the truth of the nature of reality.

Doing so reveals all divisions and segregation to be artificial constructions made by the mind. Knowing that all life on earth is genetically related means that all life is part of the family tree, which must be protected. The societies currently presented to humanity are wasting the resources of the earth. They follow a wasted economy known as a linear economy. An economy designed to produce the same goods over and over again. A consumer-based economy. It is to consume the earth's resources just to be thrown away.

Well, Jacque fresco presents, is a way of life known as a resource-based economy. This does not work on the basis of maximizing the profits of an artificial currency. This model of resource cultivation ensures that we use exactly what needs to be used, nothing more. Material will be designed to last machinery. And automation can perform geospatial tasks while people can focus their efforts on family, society, and life. This is how it should be.
All it takes is for each person to expose themselves to the pieces of information, which fit together to create a picture, which I present to you now. We are part of a story, the story of humanity and it is incredible.

Soldiers do not give you to brutes men who despise you, enslave you, as your regiment lives, tell you what to do, what to think about what to feel, who drill you diet, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourself to this unnatural men's machine. Men with machine minds and machine hearts are not machines. You're not cattle, you're men. You have a love for humanity in your hearts. You as a human being have the power, the power to make machines, the power to create happiness. You people have the power to make this life free and beautiful to make this life a wonderful adventure. Let's use that power, let's all unite, let's fight to free the world from disappearing with national barriers. To walk away with greed with hatred and intolerance.
Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to the happiness of all men. There are all associations during this process cycle, we have risen, we have fallen and we are rising again. Take your part in history and spread this message and help change the world.

Written by
Nadir Munir Khan

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